
Master Your Jumping & Landing Mechanics

Master Your Jumping and Landing Mechanics

Dr. Joel Seedman, Ph.D.

When it comes to optimizing athletic performance, speed, and power output, mastering your jumping and landing mechanics are key. Additionally, learning to properly jump and land with correct biomechanics can do wonders for improving muscle function, stability, motor control, body composition, and overall fitness levels not only for athletes but also for general populations and fitness enthusiasts. While I use a number of protocols and training techniques to teach proper jumping and landing mechanics there are several methods that expedite the process and reinforce optimal form and activation patterns for jump training. Here are 15 of my go-to methods.

Note: Most if not all of the jumping variations you’ll see any of my athletes perform involve barefoot or minimalist footwear/socks conditions. That’s because learning to master your lower body mechanics including force production, force absorption, and optimal biomechanics starts with the feet and ankles. Learn more about foot and ankle training in my best-selling e-book, The Ultimate Foot & Ankle Manual.

Eccentric Isometrics Jump Squats

If I just had to choose one method to master jumping mechanics it would be eccentric isometric jump squats using any modality from bodyweight to barbell loading as shown here by my NFL athletes Austin Larkin, John Cominsky, Lawrence Virgil, Deone Bucannon, & Taylor Heinicke. Read more about Eccentric Isometrics here.

The eccentric isometric protocol helps maximize proprioception and sensory feedback by activating muscle spindles. As a result this helps the athlete dial in their lower body mechanics as they can more easily tune into their “sense of feel” and fine-tune their body positioning. Ironically, once the athlete cleans up their mechanics they often find they can actually jump higher on eccentric isometric barbell jump squats, compared to standard barbell jump squats, due to the enhanced sensory feedback, improved body mechanics, and increased motor unit recruitment associated with eccentric isometric protocols. These are also amazing for producing post activation potentiation and can easily be paired with other explosive movements for an acute spike in power output.

Deconstructed Box Jumps

Maximizing the effectiveness of box jumps doesn’t require a tall box as demonstrated by NFL superstar DeAngelo Hall in this video. In fact using a shorter box is ideal for teaching proper box jump and depth drop/drop jump mechanics. The key is having the intention to jump with max or near-max power regardless of the height of the box and sticking each position.

Additionally, performing the box jump in a deconstructed fashion by breaking the movement down into individual segments helps the athlete hone in on their form. That’s because they are essentially doing a rapid eccentric isometric jump position which allows them to fine-tune their body mechanics before jumping onto the box. It also allows them to use their arms to drive their hips into the optimal position without feeling rushed or sloppy.

In addition, this protocol eliminates momentum and teaches the athlete how to produce power from a dead stop position, which can be invaluable for speed and power training. In essence, using the stretch reflex (without pausing) allows you to achieve maximal jump height (i.e. testing scenarios), while performing them in a deconstructed fashion is best for improving your jump performance.

Reverse Depth Drops

You’ll also notice in the above video how I have DeAngelo Hall performing the movement with the reverse depth drop/drop catch which is much easier on the knees than the standard depth drop (moving forward). That’s because the hips are able to sit back more naturally and absorb more force with less anterior/forward knee drift. Essentially this version is easier on the joints while simultaneously reinforcing proper landing technique, similar to using reverse lunges rather than forward walking lunges.

Trap Bar Deadlift Jump Squats

Trap bar jump squats using an eccentric isometric protocol are some of the most user friendly loaded jumps you can perform.

Because the load is located close to the center of mass it helps ensure there’s less tension on the spine while also being able to use relatively heavy loading. These also crush the upper back and traps with high levels of eccentric tension particularly in the landing phase.

Slide-Board Jumps Squat Jumps

The slide-board is one of my favorite training tools to use not necessarily for traditional slide-board drills but more so for anti-sliding exercises. For instance, I’ve found that applying the “anti-sliding” effect to many of the foundational movement patterns (squat, pushups, lunges, glute bridges, hip thrusters, hinges, side lunges, and more) does wonders for enhancing mechanics and teaching proper form. That’s because in order to resist the sliding effect the lifter’s form has to be spot on. Read more about slide-board training here.

However, this same protocol is incredibly effective when applied to jumps and variations thereof as the athlete’s jumping and landing form has to be meticulously dialed in not to mention their foot and ankle mechanics. Any aberrations or dysfunction will immediately be exposed primarily because faulty mechanics produce wasted force vectors with varying amounts of force being transmitted horizontally, laterally, and diagonally instead of perfectly vertically into the floor. This is even more relevant when applied to jumping and landing drills as the lifter is forced to stick the landing.

Until the lifter can produce perfectly vertical force vectors with no wasted force and energy leaks, he or she will continue to struggle to maintain a firm base without sliding and slipping. In essence, the slide board amplifies any technique flaws and neuromuscular aberrations. And yes, that also means the toes need to be perfectly straight both on the jumping and landing phases. Here are 3 of my favorite methods for applying the anti-sliding protocol to my training.

The first video involves a hanging kettlebell eccentric isometric squat protocol as demonstrated by 4 NFL athletes including Julian Williams, Marquell Beckwith, Tyson Graham, and Brandon Barnes as well as baseball phenom Jackson Boyd.

In the second clip my awesome client Amy Shea is performing a close stance eccentric isometric squat jump protocol as part of her rehab from an ACL tear. It should also be noted that Amy did not go the surgical route to repair her ACL but decided to use proper training methods as her form of therapy to rehab her knee injury – something more athletes may want to consider.

Similarly in the third clip my awesome client Eric McIntyre is performing a front curled eccentric isometric squat jump variation which further enhances spinal rigidity due to increased activation of the anterior core. Eric is another prime example of an individual who had a significant spinal injury but decided to chose the oftentimes smarter non-surgical route by precisely applying proper training methods to his routine.

Band Resisted Squat Jumps

When it comes to athletic performance, deceleration & force absorption are just as important as force production. Using band resistance for squat jumps as shown here by Carolina Panthers QB Taylor Heinicke is one of the most effective techniques to address this.

Yes this drill is great for teaching athletes how to accelerate and blast through the band tension which is phenomenal for improving power output & speed. However, its just as effective for teaching athletes how to absorb impact and decelerate high level forces as the band resistance acts as a slingshot launching the lifter back into the floor on the catch. This represents incredibly high levels of eccentric stress which also does wonders for injury prevention not to mention functional strength & hypertrophy due to heightened levels of mechanical tension and muscle damage.

It should also be noted that this is an incredibly advanced training technique and should only be performed by athletes who’ve developed an appropriate foundation of strength, power, motor control, and technical efficiency on basic movement patterns. Employing this method with an athlete who isn’t prepared is setting them up for disaster as the risk for injury becomes exponentially magnified. With that said, I’ve worked with Taylor for several years via GSP and have a good read on what his body can handle. Simply put, make sure you know your athletes so you can match up their level of technical efficiency with the appropriate training intensity & modalities.

You’ll also notice a very slight valgus collapse particularly on the first rep that Taylor eliminates as he progresses into the set. Lastly, notice how I have Taylor using a brief eccentric isometric squat on the eccentric phase before the concentric jump. As previously mentioned this helps provide additional proprioceptive feedback & kinesthetic awareness due to increased activation of muscle spindles and intrafusal fibers. In other words, the athlete will have a better sense of feel so they can fine-tune their mechanics and position which is critical for explosive and dynamic movement such as this.

Band resisted squat jumps can also be performed using the hanging kettlebell or dumbbell setup as I have 2 of my NFL athletes (Julian Williams and Marquell Beckwith) show here. Besides providing similar benefits as the barbell jump squats these tend to be a bit more low back and shoulder friendly than the barbell variations.

Rapid Eccentric Isometrics Squat Jumps

When it comes to building explosive power including jumping performance, rapid eccentric isometrics are one of the most effective training techniques in existence. That’s because they not only maximize muscle spindle feedback due to the rapid rate of stretch but they also wake up high threshold motor units and survival fibers that normally would not be forced to activate. When combined with squat jumps as NFL athlete Julian Williams demonstrates with the barbell back squat in this circuit, the effects are quite potent as the lifter can learn to transfer the enhanced motor unit recruitment into their actual jumps. Read more about Rapid Eccentrics Isometrics here.

In fact it’s not uncommon for athletes to feel an immediate increase in jump height due to the hyper-activation of the nervous system associated with the quick deceleration that’s produced from the rapid eccentric isometrics. Just make sure you’ve already mastered your squat form and jumping mechanics with traditional eccentric isometrics as these can be quite stressful on the joints and connective tissue if technique is not dialed in.

Single Leg Jumps

Learning to produce and absorb force in a unilateral (single leg) fashion is critical not only for optimizing jumping performance but also for eliminating asymmetries and instability in the lower body. This has a tremendous impact not only on jumping mechanics but also on sprinting technique, agility, speed, and overall footwork.

Because many athletes have greater difficulty dialing in their mechanics with single leg jumps, I typically program eccentric isometric jump squats as NFL athletes Taylor Heinicke and Julian Williams demonstratesin the above video.

Double Rebound Jump Squats

Here are two of my NFL athletes Prince Iworah and CJ Okpalobi performing a unique but effective eccentric isometric double rebound weighted squat jump. This eccentric isometric double rebound jumping technique is something I’ve been using consistently with athletes as it allows us to employ the best of all worlds when it comes to performance training.

By employing this immediately prior to the double rebound plyometric jump this helps the athlete jump and land with superior technique than had they not employed the eccentric isometric. In other words this technique allows us to train both body mechanics and explosive plyometric-based activities at the same time. This does wonders not only for improving jump performance and explosive power but also for teaching athletes how to absorb force and decelerate with maximal motor control. I recommend starting with bodyweight and dialing in your form before progressing to additional loading.

Squat Jumps with CAP Protocol (Concurrent Activation Potentiation)

Here are two of my NFL veterans Jarius Wynn and Fernando Velasco demonstrating one of my favorite jumping variations using bumper plates.

Performing jump squats by pinching either bumper plates or hex dumbbells teaches the athlete to maintain a tight and stable core as the intense hand, finger, and forearms activation (essentially acting as a mini plyometric for the hands and grip) produces concurrent activation potentiation (CAP) and irradiation. As a result this creates greater neural drive to the core and working extremities thereby enhancing spinal rigidity, force absorption capabilities, and proper biomechanics.

This is also one of the single most effective variations I've found for teaching proper landing and force absorption on the impact phase of the jump as the athlete is forced to generate extreme levels of intramuscular tension to keep the weight from slipping out of their hands. As a result the potentiation produced from head to toe translates to reduced energy leaks and more precise landing mechanics. This is something many athletes have trouble with as they tend to allow their body to go limp and over-relax on the landing phase of jumps. Besides losing torque for the subsequent concentric phase and leaking energy, this places undue stress on the joints and connective tissue. The drill is excellent for eliminating these forms of dysfunction as it literally requires near optimal jumping and landing mechanics.

Once the athlete has mastered the bilateral or double leg versions of plate pinch squat jumps as well as bumper plate pinch jumps, they can progress further by performing them in a single leg fashion as shown here by NFL athletes Marquell Beckwith, Ike Onike, and Julian Williams.

Barbell Suitcase Jump Squats

Once the athlete masters the bumper plate or dumbbell pinching variations, they can progress even further by performing isolateral barbell suitcase variations.

This method has several benefits.

First the double suitcase barbell protocol is very difficult to stabilize and control. Any deviation in posture, shoulder stability, or body mechanics will result in the barbells moving in an uncontrollable fashion. This teaches the lifter to maintain a tight core, rigid spine, and strict jumping mechanics.

Secondly, this is one of the most effective jumping variations I've ever used to expose and improve symmetrical jumping mechanics. Because most athletes tend to favor one leg and push off more with one side of their body this can produce injury and loss of power output. With this specific loaded jump any asymmetries become immediately apparent as the bars begin to tilt to one side and twist uncontrollably.

Third and lastly, this barbell squat jump is incredible for teaching proper landing mechanics as the unstable yet heavy loads forces the lifter to brace their core, hands, and shoulder stabilizers upon impact. Similar to the plate pinch method, this produces concurrent activation potentiation and ultimately greater neural drive to the working extremities thereby teaching the lifter how to properly absorb force and stick the landing rather than hit the ground like a wet noodle.

These can also be performed in a single arm fashion as impressively demonstrated with 95 lbs by MLB pro baseball player Austin Meadows.

Be prepared to fire the daylights out of your core and abs in order to resist the massive torque on your spine wanting to produce lateral flexion.

Eccentric Potentiation Jumps

Although the deconstructed jumping method using an eccentric isometric loading phase is unbelievably effective for cleaning up technique and form issues, some athletes will have difficulty fully engaging their nervous systems and turning on high threshold motor units particularly when using light or bodyweight loads. Although this is typically remedied via proper coaching and cueing as well as mental concentration, periodically employing eccentric potentiation jumps can be a quick and effective remedy.

Simply perform the eccentric portion of the drill using a controlled yet loaded eccentric isometric. After holding the position for 3-5 seconds which allows ample time for the neuromuscular system to ramp up to its highest levels of motor unit recruitment via temporal summation, the lifter dumps the load on the floor then performs the concentric jumping phase in a deloaded fashion. Here I have several of my NFL athletes including Taylor Heinicke, Blake Sims, and Mazi Ogbonna performing an eccentric potentiation dumbbell RDL into a broad jump.

This method also has several additional benefits. First, it allows the athlete to perform the jump in a systematic deconstructed fashion which further enables them to dial in their form. Second, the neural potentiation from performing a loaded eccentric typically produces greater jumping height and/or distance compared to a standard jump. Third, because the nervous system is hyper activated from the eccentric overload, this improves their landing mechanics as it reinforces crisp, strict, and controlled landings rather than loose and sloppy ones.

Eyes Closed Jumps

Eyes-closed training is something I incorporate quite frequently with my athletes particularly when performing eccentric isometrics. That’s because it further enhances proprioceptive feedback as the lifter is forced to perform the movement by relying on their kinesthetic awareness and sense of feel rather than their vision. While it’s quite advanced, applying this method to jumps can also be incredibly effective for cleaning up any type of movement abberation or biomechanical flaw as anything but textbook mechanics will make it difficult to control the exercise. Read more about eyes closed strength training here.

Lateral Box Jumps

I'm a huge fan of incorporating single leg jumps into the programs of my athletes and clients as most individuals have significant imbalances and asymmetries particularly during explosive movements such as jumping. This specific single leg box jump over variation involves both lateral and medial side hops as it teaches the athletes not only to produce and absorb force vertically but also in medial and lateral directions.

This has a profound impact on lateral movement, jumping, cutting, accelerating, and decelerating, and overall sprinting as it teaches the lower body to handle a variety of forces. It's also quite effective for addressing foot and ankle stability particularly when performed in barefoot or minimalist conditions as shown here by my athletes.

It's important for athletes to work on jump performance involving a variety of force vectors, including vertical, horizontal, lateral, medial, backwards, and a combination of these not only from a double leg position but from a single leg as well as a lunge, squat, and hinge position. Doing so not only maximizes performance and power but also minimizes injury and joint trauma. It should also be noted that this drill is incredibly beneficial for addressing foot and ankle collapse both in terms of pronation and supination due to the combination of medial and lateral force vectors acting against the foot and ankle complex as well as the hips.

Jump Shrugs

Besides improving Olympic lifting technique which in and of itself can have a tremendous impact on explosive activities and jump performance, jump shrugs and power shrugs are incredibly effective for directly improving jump height and distance. That’s because it reinforces the notion of relying on the hips to initiate the movement while producing maximal and violent triple extension.

Power shrugs and jump shrugs can be performed from a variety of positions including clean grip, snatch grip, floor variations, and hang variations.

Lunge Jumps

If you’re looking for a movement protocol that simultaneously enhances jumping performance, running mechanics, enhances your mobility, improves your speed and power, and enhances your stability and balance, then you’ll want to incorporate lunge jumps and variations thereof into your training. Here’s a unique example using a reverse pause-lunge to jump with contralateral knee-drive combo as demonstrated by one of my collegiate high jumpers Bailey Weiland.

Notice how she maintains a forward lean and hip hinge on the lunge phase which represents ideal lunging mechanics for any lunge variation. Once she locks the eccentric isometric into position and feels for the most stable and strongest mechanics she then explodes out of the lunge by loading her front leg while simultaneously driving with the opposite knee. In addition notice how she focuses on landing on one leg briefly to teach unilateral force absorption - a critical aspect of speed, power, and performance. Finally notice the use of the dorsiflexion throughout which is another subtle yet highly critical coaching cue and technique pointer.

The same method can also be used with a barbell lunge jump as shown here by NFL athletes Marcelis Branch and Julian Williams.

Bottoms Up Jump Squats

Want to learn how to absorb force and decelerate efficiently? Try this bottoms up eccentric isometric kettlebell squat jump shown by my awesome athlete Ben Lai.

Although power output and force production are critical for athletic performance, learning how to absorb impact and decelerate high level forces is arguably more important not only for performance but also for joint health, injury prevention, and motor control.

The bottoms up squat jump teaches the athlete how to maintain full body tension particularly during the landing phase as even the slightest loss of tension, spinal rigidity, core activation, stability, and tightness will result in the kettlebell flipping. Simply put the lifter will be required to maintain maximal tension from head to toe. Additionally the heightened grip and forearm activation creates increased concurrent activation potentiation and irradiation (fancy scientific terms for “staying tight”) which has been shown to improve neural drive and motor control to the involved extremities.

This further helps cue the athlete to eliminate valgus collapse, toe flare, energy leaks, and other deviations in jumping and landing mechanics. Lastly, you’ll also notice how Ben uses a brief eccentric isometric prior to the jump. This further helps dial in body mechanics via enhanced proprioceptive feedback and muscle spindle activation (a result of emphasizing a more controlled eccentric phase). Once you go back to traditional jumps expect to have both greater control, technique, power output, and overall vertical jump height.

Single Leg Good Morning Jumps

Here I have several NFL athletes and GSP sponsored pros Julian Williams, Marquell Beckwith, and Joe Horn performing a single leg good morning jump with contralateral knee drive. This is a fantastic drill not only for crushing the entire posterior chain particularly the glutes and hamstrings but also for simultaneously working on unilateral power output, hip extension, knee drive, stability, balance, mobility, force absorption, and posture. It’s also a great drill for bulletproofing the back and spinal stabilizers.

While the good morning exercise is an incredibly beneficial lower body hip hinge movement, many folks tend to feel it too much in the low back. The single leg variation not only tends to be more low back friendly due to the split leg position (where the back leg acts as a posterior counterweight to reduce anterior shear forces at the bottom) but also because of the significantly lighter loads employed to create a strong training stimulus.

With that said, you’ll notice how the athletes here reach an approximately 90 degree torso angle which is ideal not only for this movement for most exercises that as it represents the most biomechanically sound position for both producing and absorbing force as well as one where you achieve maximal muscle activation and minimal joint stress. On a side note, I would have liked to see all the athletes pause longer in the bottom stretched position as this was intended to have a brief eccentric isometric protocol involved. Also Marquell could have had a slightly softer knee bend at impact to help with force absorption by more effectively engaging his hips and thighs.

Here’s an even more advanced variation my client Ben Lai came up with that involves a rapid alternating march in mid air.

Split Stance Box Jumps

Here’s one of my NFL combine athletes and GSP sponsored pro Mykel Bennet training for his NFL pro day by performing a very impressive 40 inch split stance box jump. 3 things to point out here.

1. Regardless of the height I have my athletes perform box jumps from if they can’t stick a 90-deg landing on the box and have to curl up into a ball with ridiculous levels of spinal flexion then it’s too high. This 40 inch box height was much higher than I initially had planned on having my athletes go during this workout however Mykel demonstrated he could still maintain sound jumping & landing mechanics without contorting his body to reach the box. Many of the box jumps we see on social media really involve mediocre jumping skills and simply rely on the ability of the person to move into extreme flexion to reach the box. The goal is vertical jump height and maximal power output, not flexing into a contorted centipede. In fact I often have my athletes simply take a 20 inch box and get as much hang time as possible with as much power off the floor as possible.

2. The split stance box jump not only provides a safe and effective method for teaching semi-unilateral power output but it’s also it’s also an excellent drill for reinforcing proper lunge & split squat mechanics. That’s because in order produce any semblance of explosive power you’ll be forced to appropriate the all-important hip hinge mechanics I frequently preach for optimizing lunge technique. Simply put this represents proper lunge mechanics not only for jumping but for any lunge period. As a result this is a great drill for teaching athletes what a proper lunge or split squat is supposed to feel like.

3. Make sure to emphasize arm drive as upper body mechanics are just as important as lower body technique when it comes to maximizing jumping & sprinting performance. With that said, this drill will do wonders not only for leg strength & explosive power but for jump performance, sprint mechanics, & speed.

Deconstructed Single Leg Box Jump Overs

Here I have NFL athlete Kevin Minter performing a deconstructed single leg RDL and bench jump over using an eccentric isometric protocol as we prep him for the upcoming season.

By breaking the movement down into individual segments and using the eccentric isometric sequence, this helps the athlete to hone in on their form and fine-tune their body mechanics before jumping. It also allows them to use their arms to drive their hips into the optimal position without feeling rushed or sloppy.

In addition this protocol eliminates momentum and teaches the athlete how to produce power from a dead stop position, which can be invaluable for speed and power training. Once you return to traditional jumps using the stretch reflex you’ll notice a massive improvement in jump height and power output. These are also an incredibly effective foot and ankle exercise particularly when done barefoot. And yes, the harsh surface under barefoot conditions requires even greater foot and ankle activation to absorb the intense impact. With that said, most exercises for foot and ankle training are great for recruiting a high number of muscle fibers surrounding the feet and ankles. However, there's one element missing: rate of stabilization development (RSD).

Similar to explosive exercises that require a significant rate of force development (RFD), this single leg jump with a catch and hold protocol not only requires a high number of muscles around the feet and ankles to fire, but it will also force them to turn on quickly and rapidly in order to avoid sudden instability. Although this may not necessarily be the most challenging movement, it's a very advanced one due to the high degree of impact. In other words this drill is addressing 3 key factors, (1) rate of force development, (2) rate of deceleration, and (3) rate of stabilization development, all three of which are vital for performance.

Split Stance Lunge Jumps on Stability Ball

Want to improve your stride mechanics & sprinting form while simultaneously learning how to harness your power? Try performing stride simulated lunge jumps on a stability ball as I have NFL athlete and GSP sponsored pro Bryce Canady showing here. Although cueing & coaching proper running form is important for enhancing sprinting mechanics, the single most effective thing I’ve found for enhancing running form is mastering the basic foundational movement patterns such as squats, hinges, and lunges.

In fact you could argue that mastering the lunge or split squat is perhaps the single most important movement pattern when it comes to mastering your running mechanics. That’s because the split squat or lunge is essentially a deconstructed & systematic simulation of one’s stride mechanics. Learn to improve your lunge mechanics & watch your sprint form & running mechanics improve more than any sprint drill. In fact you could spend years trying to improve running form but not until the person has mastered foundational movements including lunges, squats, and hinges will they truly master their running form.

With that said the stride simulated lunge jump is one of the most effective for that. Performing these with the back leg on a stability ball is incredibly eye opening as even the slightest deviation in form, alignment, stability, & motor control are immediately exposed as this requires perfectly dialed in body mechanics to successfully complete. For instance many athletes have a tendency to rotate their back knee and foot outward when running which ironically also happens to show up during their lunge.

When this occurs the ball immediately starts to roll out laterally as it highlights an energy leak that not only compromises force production but also increases risk of injury. In order to eliminate this dysfunction, the athlete will have to learn to gain control of their lower limbs & eliminate these aberrations. Lastly, you’ll notice that I corrected Bryce at the beginning. When performing lunge jumps, in the top position aim for the same arm & leg in front. At the bottom aim for opposite arm & leg.

Bridge The Gap Box Jumps

Want to improve your jumping mechanics? Try using the “Bridge The Gap” (BTG) protocol on box jumps as I have several NFL and CFL athletes and GSP sponsored pros doing here including Julian Williams, Greg Reid, Marquell Beckwith, and Brandon Bartlett.

Essentially the BTG method helps reinforce optimal foot and ankle activation as the lifter is forced to maintain an active foot rather than a passive or “dead foot” position. Read more about the Bridge The Gap method here.

One of the most common issues I see in athletes when jumping is energy leaks & instability in their hips, knees, and ankles (i.e. valgus collapse) which can almost always be linked back directly or indirectly to their feet. Additionally many athletes will demonstrate foot & ankle misalignment when jumping which significantly compromises jump performance. Teach the athlete how to properly activate their feet and the issues begin to improve almost immediately. The BTG box jumps my athletes show here helps to insure that the entire foot and ankle complex is maximally engaged before jumping. As a result it ingrains optimal alignment and firing patterns up the kinetic chain.

Yes you obviously won’t be as powerful during the jumps during this specific drill however the goal is to clean up jumping mechanics and eliminate energy leaks/weak links in the kinetic chain. Once the athlete grooves these new-found firing patterns into their CNS they’ll inevitably be able to jump with greater power and height since all of the force will be transmitted perfectly vertically into the ground rather than having wasted energy and misdirected force vectors. This also means fewer lower body injuries.

As an added bonus this also improves landing mechanics even though the lifter is simply landing on a traditional box. That’s because the intense/enhanced activation patterns achieved on the jump phase acts as a primer by preparing the body to use the same activation and firing patterns during the subsequent landing phase. You’ll also notice the use of the deconstructed eccentric isometric box jump protocol as it helps clean up additional jumping and landing mechanics as well.

Potentiation Circuits For Maximal Jump Height

Here I have 4 NFL athletes and GSP sponsored pros, Marcelis Branch, Kevo Yeremian, Marquell Beckwith, and Julian Williams performing a post activation potentiation circuit using the Kbox squat stance deadlift, a band resisted kettlebell jump squat, & single leg swap using the bumper plate pinch protocol. The swap helps insure optimal foot & ankle activation thereby maximizing recruitment up the kinetic chain.

Essentially this prepares the body for the high intensity forces & impact of the squat drills. The bumper plate protocol also helps increase full body tension as intense grip and hand activation has been shown to increase irradiation and concurrent activation potentiation (fancy terms for “staying tight”). In other words you get increased neural signaling to the working extremities which means great force & power on the squats & deadlifts.

The K-box drill involves incredibly high forces and eccentric overload. These types of movement have been shown to produce post activation potentiation (temporary increases in power development associated with acute neuromuscular & structural changes produced from overload exercises). As a result once the lifter takes a small break then performs the jump exercise he or she will more likely produce greater power output, jump height, & fast twitch fiber recruitment.

Landmine Jump Squats

The landmine is one of my favorite training tools not only for squats, rows, and presses but also for performing jumps and explosive movements.

Here I have MLB all star pro baseball player Austin Meadows performing eccentric isometric lunge jumps. For this particular exercise the goal isn’t just power out and explosion but also stability, force absorption, and deceleration.

This has phenomenal benefit not only for hitting and throwing but also for running and sprinting mechanics. Focus on bracing your entire body from head to toe on the landing as a means of helping you stick the landing as Austin shows here. Also try to aim for 90 degree joint angles and setting the hips back rather than collapsing with excessive range of motion and allowing too much anterior knee as that represents faulty lunge mechanics.

The landmine is also very conducive for performing squat jumps and jump squat variations. The single arm hanging variations are also incredible for improving grip and forearm strength due to the thickness of the barbell collar you’ll be holding. This also helps improve full body tension via concurrent activation potentiation and irradiation thereby helping eliminate energy leaks and imbalances.

The goblet front loaded version as shown here by Leslie is also very comfortable yet effective for teaching both force production and force absorption.

Anti-Valgus Squat Jumps

Having trouble with valgus knee collapse, ankle pronation, or valgus ankle collapse during jumping & landing? Try this mini-band jump squat exercise demonstrated by my awesome client Rami Baghdadi. Yes there’s some poor quality research and misinformation being spread that valgus knee collapse and ankle collapse aren’t a big deal. I’ve been in this industry for 16 years and I can tell you firsthand it’s something we want to avoid, plain & simple.

Yes there is such a thing as proper mechanics just as there’s such a thing as improper or faulty mechanics. Valgus collapse falls into the latter. Yes, some people can get away with it for years but just like smoking, poor mechanics eventually catches up to everyone at some point and in some fashion. Just because there are not immediate ramifications doesn’t mean it’s not problematic or bad for the body (i.e. ballet dancers). And just because it doesn’t produce immediate pain during that time for that individual doesn’t mean that it won’t eventually. It’s just a matter of time. In fact poor body mechanics are directly related to the musculoskeletal pain humans experience on a daily level.

Learn to improve your body mechanics & muscle function and watch a majority of your pain disappear. Anyone else who says differently unfortunately has never experienced the power of proper movement or and is likely an incompetent coach and practitioner as they’re unable to improve pain due to their inability to properly coach movement. Stop looking to pain science to rationalize your poor body mechanics & dysfunctional movement that produce pain, inflammation, & injury, and start addressing your muscle activation issues and movement dysfunction. Oh and yes posture is related to this topic. Check out my full article on Pain Science.

Bulgarian Jump Squats

Here I have my awesome client Leslie Petch performing an eccentric isometric Bulgarian squat jump. While this is a drill I use frequently with my athletes, I also like to use it for enhancing functional size & hypertrophy for the lower body. In fact I use jumps & explosive movements for just about every client I train. With that said, jumps & explosive movements may not necessarily produce high levels of hypertrophy directly. However, they teach the athlete to recruit high threshold motor units and fast twitch fibers that have the greatest potential for strength and size.

Once they’re turned on from movements such as these it’s easier for us to recruit those fibers during other compound movements such as squats, deadlifts, & lunges, which ultimately provide the greatest hypertrophy stimulus. Additionally explosive movements such as jumps help the lifter be more powerful during heavy movements. As a result they’re able to handle heavier weight for more reps which in and of itself provides a tremendous hypertrophy stimulus.

In terms of athlete performance, the Bulgarian jumps address explosive power, acceleration, deceleration & force absorption, as well as stability & mobility throughout the lower body. This has a tremendous benefit for athletes of any sports not to mention any individual looking for improved muscle function & body mechanics.

Just make sure to incorporate the eccentric isometric protocol with 90 deg mechanics to maximize both activation levels as well as body mechanics and form.

Chaos Bulgarian Jump Squats

Here I have pro basketball player Yelena Leuchanka performing a chaos band stride-simulated lunge jump with eccentric isometrics. This is a great drill for teaching proper stride mechanics while also teaching the athlete how to harness their power.

Also notice the multiple 90-deg joint angles which maximize muscle activation which in turn optimizes functional strength & hypertrophy. So yes, the 90 degree principle applies to a majority of movements, not just squats. Make sure to use eccentric isometrics to help master your body mechanics & fine-tune movement.

Now let’s talk about this specific drill. Although cueing & coaching proper running form is important for enhancing sprinting mechanics, the single most effective thing I’ve found for enhancing running form is mastering the basic foundational movement patterns. Learn to improve your lunge mechanics & watch your sprint form & running mechanics improve more than any sprint drill. This variation is very eye opening as even the slightest deviation in form, alignment, stability, & motor control are immediately exposed as it requires perfectly dialed in body mechanics.

Deconstructed Single Leg RDL Box Jumps

Here I have MLB pro baseball athletes Austin Meadows and Parker Meadows working on jumping and landing mechanics with deconstructed eccentric isometric jumps.

By breaking the movement down into individual segments (particularly the box jump portion) this helps the athlete to hone in on their form as they are essentially doing an eccentric isometric jump position which allows them to fine-tune their body mechanics before jumping onto the box. Read more about eccentric isometrics in my book MOVEMENT REDEFINED.

The EI allows them to use their arms to drive their hips into the optimal position without feeling rushed or sloppy. In addition this protocol eliminates momentum & teaches the athlete how to produce power from a dead stop position, which can be invaluable for speed & power training.

You’ll also notice the reverse depth drop/drop catch which is much easier on the knees than the standard depth drop (moving forward) as the hips are able to sit back more and absorb more force with less anterior/forward knee drift.

Depth drop/depth jump variations are some of my favorite protocols for teaching athletes how to absorb force & efficiently decelerate as it forces the athlete to turn on all available muscle fibers rapidly. In other words this deals with rate of deceleration similar to rate of force production. Landing mechanics and landing efficiency are some of the most underrated yet also most critical components for athletes not only for speed & power but for injury prevention.

Rapid Eccentric Isometric Jumps

I’m often asked if I ever used other rep tempos other than slow & controlled eccentric isometrics (EI’s). The answer is yes!! Besides incorporating plyometrics, med ball drills, & Olympic lifting variations I also regularly implement Rapid Eccentric Isometrics (REI’s). Here’s an example shown by 2 of my NFL athletes & GSP sponsored pros Julian Williams and Marquell Beckwith as they show a contrast tempo superset.

Marquell is performing traditional eccentric isometrics barbell squats while Julian is performing rapid eccentric isometrics with goblet squat jumps. The traditional EI barbell back squats act as a form of neural potentiation here that not only increases power output for the explosive movement but also helps reinforce proper body mechanics & movement patterns before proceeding to the explosive squat jump. In other words this acts as both a post activation potentiation superset as well as a technique enhancer that grooves the proper neural pathways by optimizing lower body mechanics. And yes proper technique on a squat (unless you’re training for the sport of competitive Olympic lifting or powerlifting) is 90 degrees.

As for rapid eccentric isometrics essentially it’s the same as a traditional eccentric isometrics but with one key difference. The eccentric phase is performed as rapidly as possible before pausing at 90 deg. The rapid eccentric is NOT a result of collapsing or dropping rapidly but occurs because the lifter is actively & aggressively pulling themselves into the 90 degree stretched position using agonist antagonist eccentric-induced co-contraction. This also sets the lifter up for the most explosive concentric phase due to the resulting reciprocal inhibition on the concentric once the lifter releases the co-contraction similar to firing a slingshot. Read more about Rapid Eccentric isometrics here.

Lateral Jumps and Plyometrics

Here I have collegiate high jumper Bailey Weiland performing a unique lateral explosive jumping plyometric drill.

This is a fantastic drill not only for working on power output, jump performance, and unilateral power but also for targeting lateral movement and agility. Focus on producing max power with perfect alignment throughout. Also hold the starting RDL position for 2-3 seconds as this helps wake up additional stabilizers which pays dividends for the movement as it improves proprioception and body mechanics. Each rep try to increase your distance further.

Here’s another lateral jumping exercise.

There are multiple components that make this particular drill so effective. First the movement starts by assuming a deconstructed eccentric isometric single leg RDL with contralateral arm and leg drive. This helps maximize technique, proprioception, body awareness, stability, and balance, setting the athlete up for the most effective jumps on the subsequent phases of this series.

Once the athletes locks in the single leg RDL position and can hold it for at least a few seconds, they’ll perform a lateral broad jump/bound, land, then immediately go into a single leg box jump. This is an incredibly effective drill that has tremendous carryover to a number of sports and athletic endeavors as this sequence essentially targets, single leg explosive power, symmetrical power, stability, sprinting mechanics, mobility, lateral explosiveness, rotational power, foot and ankle mechanics, core stability, broad jump technique, deceleration, vertical jumping mechanics, and full body power.

Whether you’re an athlete looking to ramp up your athletic performance and explosive power, or a seasoned lifter looking to enhance fast twitch muscle fiber recruitment and motor control, this one has a little something for just about everyone. Try performing several sets of 2-3 sequences per leg while also pairing it with heavy squats or trap bar deadlifts to maximize the post activation potentiation effect (i.e. increased neural drive).

Double Rebound Depth Drop Jumps

Here I have collegiate football players and GSP athletes Demarcus Lloyd & Chuma Awanna performing eccentric isometric deconstructed box jumps & depth drop jumps.

Performing the box jump in a deconstructed fashion by breaking the movement down into individual segments helps the athlete hone in on their form. That’s because they are essentially doing an eccentric isometric jump position which allows them to fine-tune their body mechanics before jumping onto the box. Read more about eccentric isometrics in my book MOVEMENT REDEFINED.

In addition, this protocol eliminates momentum and teaches the athlete how to produce power from a dead stop position, which can be invaluable for speed and power training. In essence, using the stretch reflex (without pausing) allows you to achieve/demonstrate maximal jump height (i.e. testing scenarios), while performing them in a deconstructed fashion is best for improving your jump performance.

The depth drop jump (there are multiple names for these) is one of the most tried & true drills for improving power, force production, force absorption, deceleration, efficiency of motor unit recruitment (turning on muscles quickly), & fast twitch fiber activation. These benefits are further enhanced when using loads such as that shown here.

With that said, I’ve only been working with these athletes for a few weeks so form isn’t perfect yet. For instance I would like to see a bit more knee flexion (closer to 90 deg joint angles) for Demarcus which is something we’ve been working on.

Longitudinal Single Leg Goblet Jump Squat

Here I have pro basketball player Yelena Leuchenka performing eccentric isometric single leg squat jumps using the longitudinal goblet squat protocol.

The longitudinal goblet squat method is one of the best techniques I know if for teaching the lifter to sit back into their hips & avoid excessive forward lean (otherwise they will dumb the weight). It also helps reinforce a very tight braced core. When combined with jumps particularly on single leg it does wonders for improving both jumping & landing mechanics. That’s because it teaches the athlete to maintain a tight stable core as the grip activation produces concurrent activation potentiation (CAP) & irradiation. As a result this creates greater neural drive to the core & working extremities thereby enhancing spinal rigidity, force absorption capabilities, & proper biomechanics.

This is also one of the single most effective variations I've found for teaching proper landing & force absorption on the impact phase of the jump as the athlete is forced to generate extreme levels of intramuscular tension to keep the weight from dumping forward & collapsing. Many athletes have trouble with landing mechanics as they tend to allow their body to go limp on the landing phase of jumps. Besides losing torque for the subsequent concentric phase & leaking energy, this places undue stress on the joints & connective tissue. The drill helps remedy that.

Lastly notice the eccentric isometric protocol which is the most effective method I know of for improving strength, functional hypertrophy, stability, mobility, symmetry, & motor control. When combined with the jump this makes for an incredibly potent duo for enhancing speed, power, & athletic performance.

Kickstand Jump Squats with Rapid Eccentric Isometrics

The kickstand jump squat is another great jumping exercise that involves a semi-single leg position without the balance an instability issues of a true single leg movement.

Here’s NFL athlete Taylor Heinicke showing how it’s done with rapid eccentric isometrics. Learn more about the kickstand squat protocol in article here.

Trap Bar Potentiation Box Jumps

Here I have NFL athlete Taylor Heinicke on instantaneous post activation potentiation Trap Bar Box Jump & Depth drop: The loading & motor unit recruitment from 90 deg eccentric isometric trap bar deadlift not only wakes up a large number of muscle fibers helping to prepare them for the subsequent jump but it also activates muscle spindles which enhances proprioceptive feedback & kinesthetic awareness ultimately enhancing jumping & landmine mechanics.

These can be done with brief pause or immediate drop & jump. I’ve found the pause version forces athletes to cognitively think about eccentric induced co-contraction which is a key element of performance training as it produces strong muscular contractions (i.e. slingshot effect) due to reciprocal inhibition.

To learn more about applying jumping exercises such these to your workout routine check out my Complete Templates Program.